Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Publication Plan

Title: Symphony: Vladimir Script
Positioning statement: The world of classical music under one cover.
Frequency of publication: Monthly
Price: £3.50
Distribution: philharmonic halls, news agents, supermarkets.

Rational: The approach of the magazine is to cover classical and jazz performers, reviews fan views and will offer insight and gripping articles and interviews. We will focus on what is big in classical and jazz right now.

Style: formal, related to the audience, sophisticated vocabulary clear and formal layout.
Words will be more dominant in the layout.

Regular Content

  • whats on this month
  • disc of the month
  • performers diary
  • performance reports
  • musics hall of fame
  • global musicians
  • jazz band of the month
  • readers letters
  • composers discovered
  • how to achieve your dream
  • young performers

    Featured Content
  • the proms back stage
  • new performers
  • great composers
  • music in the movies
  • CD vs downloads
  • Melissa Heywood
  • Christmas jingles
  • Beethoven's best symphony
  • top ten albums
  • competition
  • Art, Food and Drink

    House style
    Cover lines: Myriad pro
    Headlines:Myriad pro
    Stand first: Arial
    Captions: Ano pro
    News first paragraph: ano pro
    Colour scheme: Black, Blue, Gray

Sunday, 15 November 2009


1. How old are you?

By doing this resurch i found that the mojority of the people i asked were between the ages 21-30. therefore my audiance is goin to be ages 21+

2. Have you ever bought a classical/jazz music magazine?

from the people i asked more people said they have bought a classical/jazz music magazine.

3. Do you agree with the price of the magazine?

however they did not agree with the price of the magazine.

If No how much do you think is a reasonable price of a magazine?

From the people i asked the most suable amout they felt a Classical/ jazz magazine should cost was between £2.00-£3.00

4. How often do you buy a classic/jazz magazine?

my resluts showed that people only buy there classical/jazz magazines monthly. however i found that from the 3 magazines i looked at they come out monthly. so i will also make my magazine come out monthly.

5. Who is you favourite classical/jazz performer?

6. Do you watch the Proms?

using my tallys i found that more people do not watch the proms than i expected.

Have you ever seen the Proms live?

i also found out that non of the people i asked have seen the proms live. so im my magazine i mite include a compation or a backstage look at the proms.

7. What do you like to read about in a classical/jazz music magazine?

8. What are your three favourite colours?

i found that the reocuring colours in my questionair were blue green orange and red. so i will be using some of these colours in my magazine.

9. What three things do you feel describe classical and jazz music?

10. Do you play an instrument?

most people i asked infact do not play an instament so i mite include chanses to win lessons in my magazine.

If yes what instrument?

11. Do you read classical magazines on the internet?

only one person i asked has ever read a classical magazine online. so i will include a feature within my magazine on how to start loking at them on the internet.

12. What was the last performance you have been to?


1. How old are you? 16-20 0 21-30 7 30+ 13 2. Have you ever bought a classical/jazz music magazine? Yes 13 No 7 If yes what one? Classical fm BBC music 3. Do you agree with the price of the magazine? Yes 7 No 13 If No how much do you think is a reasonable price of a magazine? 1.00-£2.00 1 £2.00-£3.00 10 £3.00-£4.00 8 £4.00 + 1 4. How often do you buy a classic/jazz magazine? Weekly 0 Monthly 20 Other 0 5. Who is you favourite classical/jazz performer? 6. Do you watch the Proms? Yes 12 No 8 Have you ever seen the Proms live? Yes 0 No 20 If yes where? 7. What do you like to read about in a classical/jazz music magazine? News 5 New artists 2 Interviews 6 Pictures 1 Performances 6 8. What are your three favourite colours? Blue 8 Green 7 Orange 3 Red 2 9. What three things do you feel describe classical and jazz music? Music 3 Conductor 9 Bands 7 Rhythm 6 Violin 9 Symphony 10 Proms 12 Philharmonic 4 10. Do you play an instrument? Yes 3 No 17 If yes what instrument? Drums Violin Piano 11. Do you read classical magazines on the internet? Yes 1 No 19 12. What was the last performance you have been to? 0 This is a voice recording of me asking a member of my target audiance some of the questions above. The questions where.. 2. Have you ever bought a classical/jazz music magazine?:Yes If yes what one?:Classic Fm 4. How often do you buy a classic/jazz magazine?:Monthly 6. Do you watch the Proms?:Yes Have you ever seen the Proms live?:No


1. How old are you? 16-20 21-30 30+

2. Have you ever bought a classical/jazz music magazine? Yes No
If yes what one? ¬____________________________________________________________.

3. Do you agree with the price of the magazine? Yes No
If No how much do you think is a reasonable price of a magazine?
£1.00-£2.00 £2.00-£3.00 £3.00-£4.00 £4.00 +

4. How often do you buy a classic/jazz magazine? Weekly Monthly Other

5. Who is you favourite classical/jazz performer? ___________________________________
6. Do you watch the Proms? Yes No

Have you ever seen the Proms live? Yes No
If yes where? _______________________________________________________________.

7. What do you like to read about in a classical/jazz music magazine?
News new artist’s interviews pictures performances

8. What are your three favourite colours? _________________________________________

9. What three things do you feel describe classical and jazz music? ____________________

10. Do you play an instrument? Yes No
If yes what instrument? _______________________________________________________.

11. Do you read classical magazines on the internet? Yes No
12. What was the last performance you have been to?

Monday, 9 November 2009


Classical Magazines are for classical music lovers who enjoy the music but don't consider themselves to be experts on this genre.

Front cover's

Contents page's

Double Page Article

Sunday, 8 November 2009


I am going to make desicions on diffrent aspects of my magazine.

Price: £3.00-£4.00 this is because most classical magazines are priced at £4.00 or more and i plan on pricing mine lower to make it more attractive to the reader.

Frequency: monthly this is bacause most other classical/jazz magazines are this frequent.

Average issue size:100 pages this is because this is how many pages the avergae classical/ jazz magazines have.

regular content:
  • Whats on this month
  • disc of the month
  • performance reports
  • hall of fame
  • young performers
  • readers letters
  • extras
featured content:
  • the proms backstage
  • new performers
  • great composers
  • music in the movies
  • music notes
  • ashleigh hoey
  • christmas jingles
  • you vote beethovens best symphony
  • the top 10 ablums
  • competition

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Magazine research

Classic Fm
frequency of publication:Monthly
issue size:100+ pages
Main story: Paul McCartney


frequency of publication:Monthly
issue size:100+ pages
Main story: Pappano

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Music Magazine Genre Codes And Convections

Front cover

• There is one Large main image (mid close up) this main image has the model always facing the camera. This gives the impression that the magazine is aimed at you and engages you. The main image also reflects what genre the magazine is. The large image is usually of a famous person that has something to do with the classical/ jazz genre of music.

• There are 3 main colours there are two different reasons for this. Colours on magazines are very expensive and this helps keep the cost down. A simple colour scheme also helps keep the magazine in a theme.

• The Largest font is linked to the main image. This is usually a quote or catchy 3 or 4 words to entice and entertain the reader.

• Bar code (right bottom hand)

• Tag line

• Smaller images (subsidiary images) are placed on the front cover this helps the reader to know what is in the issue.

• Every magazine has large fonts. This help the reader read the magazine. This is also a good way to get the readers attention.

• The mode of address goes by the main image and things placed in the magazine.

• The font of the mast head is different to any other font of the magazine.

• There are normally 5-10 cover lines in the front cover.

• Buzz words are placed on the front cover to attract you to the magazine.

• The layout is the same for most classical or jazz magazines.

Contents page
  • numbers are placed on the contents page in the columns.
  • tidy layout
  • columns 3or 4
  • images
  • issue date
  • colour the same as the front cover
  • sections
  • different sized images
  • lots images (all to do with classical or jazz music)
  • websites are placed on the contents page to help advertise the magazine expansion to the Internet
  • editorial- mode of address
  • cover lines are all related to the front cover images

Double page spread

  • image on one side
  • large headlines
  • quotes on the photos
  • interview ( not just questions and answers)
  • drop capital
  • colours are the same
  • words and photography (by lines )
  • more than two columns
  • the name is a different colour
  • stand first (description)
  • detailed writing
  • formal mode of address
  • headlines (short and snappy)

Friday, 30 October 2009

Genre and audiance

The genre of magazine i am going to produce is going to be classical/jazz because it isnt the type of magazine i would read therfore i will be able to put more thought into the final outcome.

The target audiance for my magazine is going to be middle aged classical and jazz listeners.

Friday, 23 October 2009

Music Magazine Codes and conventions of a front cover,contents page and double page spread

Front cover
  • Stories
  • famous people on the front cover
  • Bar code on the right hand side
  • Main image is linked to the largest main text
  • colour theme, 3 or 4 colours
  • buzz words
  • once a month
  • pictures/ smaller images
  • same fonts, 2 or 3 separate to the mast head
  • mast head
  • overlay with image
  • tag lines
  • interviews
  • banners
  • about 6 cover lines
  • websites

Contents page

  • Numbered
  • images are numbered
  • images
  • colours
  • sections regular and featured content
  • editors letter/ note
  • same colours and fonts as the front cover
  • organised well
  • 2 or 3 fonts
  • issue date and number

Double page spread

  • 2 or 3 images ( large)
  • drop capital
  • quotes
  • not just questions and answers
  • photographer is always mentioned
  • page number at the bottom of the page
  • short opening paragraph

School Magazine Evaluation


I was asked to create a school magazine front cover and content page using Photoshop and quark .I found that my magazine front cover and content page was within the codes and conventions of a magazine. I did not challenge the codes and convections of real magazines unlike other magazines have such as mojo. I also found that it was easy to create a school magazine and contents page that followed all the codes and convections that all magazines also follow.
I used Photoshop to produce my front cover. I found it easy to use and it all worked well with my magazine design. I had no problems using it because I had used it before this meant I was also aware of all the different things I was able to do to make my front cover as good as I could therefore making my finished product what I wanted, I used pictures I had taken myself and included them into my front cover I was able to digitally manipulate them using Photoshop. I was pleased with my finished front cover and it did not change much from my original sketch which means I was able to do most things to create the same product. I had positive feedback on my front cover, I got told that my front cover was well set out and bright. I did not get any negative feed back which is good however I would have liked some constructive criticism so I would be able to improve next time I have to produce a magazine front cover.
To create my magazine content page I used Quark. I found that quark difficult and I had not used this technology before, I didn’t like using it as much as I liked using Photoshop this technology was much more advanced and professional than Photoshop although they both are used in the media industry. I was unable to understand it as much as Photoshop however I found that my end product looked better than if I were to use Photoshop. The technology was well suited to what we had to make. The columns were set out better and it looked much clearer because I was able to make a clear content structure. I also did not get any negative feed back on my content page which I liked but like my front cover I would have liked some constructive criticism so I would be able to improve next time I have to produce a magazine content page.
I enjoyed using both new media technologies and found that the two different products suited different media equipment.

School Magazine My contents page finished

This is my finished contents page for a school magazine.
Contents Page I made a few changes to my front cover layout suchj as moving featured and regular content. insted of using a picture of the head girl i used a picture of the school because i could not get an image of her.the year news layout all stayed the same but i changed the year 12 and 13 news to one 6 form news instead. i also did not include the front cover on my contents page like i was on my first plan. the date is also missing on the contents page.

School Magazine My front cover

This is my finished front cover to my school magazine.
Front cover i only changed one image on my front cover. i originally had a plan of a rollercoster on my front cover but i was unable to take one with the time given so i took a photo of some sixth form students jumping in the air exited for a trip. i also moved a cover line from the top right hand corner to the left hand side and made "welcome back" bigger this made this cover line my main cover line that is linked to my main image. other than the two changes i did not change my front cover majorly.

School Magazine Changes to my front cover and contents page

Front cover

i only changed one image on my front cover. i originally had a plan of a rollercoster on my front cover but i was unable to take one with the time given so i took a photo of some sixth form students jumping in the air exited for a trip.

i also moved a cover line from the top right hand corner to the left hand side and made "welcome back" bigger this made this cover line my main cover line that is linked to my main image.
other than the two changes i did not change my front cover majorly.

Contents Page

I made a few changes to my front cover layout suchj as moving featured and regular content.
insted of using a picture of the head girl i used a picture of the school because i could not get an image of her.the year news layout all stayed the same but i changed the year 12 and 13 news to one 6 form news instead.

i also did not include the front cover on my contents page like i was on my first plan.
the date is also missing on the contents page.

Saturday, 17 October 2009

School Magazine manipulated images

These are all the images that have been manipulated and i used in my magazine front cover and contents page.

This is my Magazine title.

The following 4 images have all been Photoshoped to fit my plan.

This image has been Photoshoped to fit my plan.

This image has been Photoshoped to fit my plan.

This image i made on Photoshop.

this is an image i made on Photoshop.

This image has been Photoshoped to fit my plan.
This is an image i Photoshoped to fit the plan of my contents page.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

School Magazine Images for my magazine unphotoshoped

Im going to use the A* in this image.

This is goin to be my front cover main image.
This image is goin to be included on my front cover.

This image is goin to be included on my contents page.

The following 4 images are goin to be included on my contents page.

This image is goin to be placed on both my contents and front cover.

This image is going to be placed onto my front cover.

This image is goin to be placed on my front cover.

This image is goin to be on my contents page.

Monday, 28 September 2009

School Magazine magazine contents page

My contents page will have a clear structure.

Three columns will separate all stories from one another. Each column has a different heading. Eg. This month and featured. Images are also placed in the contents page to make it look more interesting.
"The Works" will also be on my contents page along with "contents" so it is visable that this is the contents page.

School Magazine My regular and featured content and images

Regular content.
Charity update
Problem page
Students page
Years news (years 7-13)
Head girl says

Featured content.
Heads plans to go more green
New dinner menu
Welcome back
School trip
New teachers
Uniform change?
Fruit debate
revision groups
interview with the mayor

Contents images.
Each years tie
My picture
Head Girl
Image of the front cover
The head

School Magazine rough sketch of the front cover

The works
January 2010
£0.50 - i chose this price because i felt this was a reasonable price to ask for my school magazine.
Teacher of the week, Welcome back, New menu, Heads plans to get more green, Kenya, School trip, Ask and you shall be answered, uniform change? These are the cover lines i chose in the previous blog.
On the front cover i have chosen to include images of school. i was told in my brief to include an image of a student in medium close up. I have chosen to include a picture of a rollercoster and a P.E teacher on my front cover because they all are conected to the featured and regular content. The rollercoster because one of my articles is on a school trip. I have chosen a picture related to one of the charities featured in the magazine. I have chosen to include a picture of a P.E teacher because the article that goes with it is called teacher of the month and this months winner is media.

School magazine Name,Mise-en-scene and cover lines.

My magazines title is The works. I have chosen this name because i associate school with work also in my magazine it will cover almost everything about school, gossip and after school activities.

The Mise-en-scene of my front cover image is going to be a school pupil I'm uniform with a colored background to try to attract my audience into reading it.

My magazines front cover cover lines are; Teacher of the week, Welcome back, New menu, Heads plans to get more green, Kenya, School trip, Ask and you shall be answered, Uniform change? i have chosen all these cover lines because they are all related to my school therfore i would easily beable to take the pictures i need for them.

School magazine Codes and Convection's

Codes and Convection's of a music magazine front cover and contents page.

Magazine front cover

Stories to make you read on.
Famous people on the front cover.
Bar code on the right hand side of the magazine.
Main image is linked to the largest text.
Set colour scheme of 2 or 3 colours.
Buzz words.
Out once a month.
Images, smaller than the main image.
2/3 different fonts, different to mast head.
Mast head.
Over lay with the image if the magazine is well known.
Tag lines.
6-10 cover lines.
No page numbers on the front cover.


Content list set out in categories.
Image numbered where it is in the magazine.
Images of what is found in the magazine.
Set colours like the front cover.
Regular content.
Feature content.
Editors letter.
Small image of the front cover.
Issue date.
Issue number.
Different images inside the magazine than on the front cover.