Codes and Convection's of a music magazine front cover and contents page.Magazine front coverStories to make you read on.
Famous people on the front cover.
Bar code on the right hand side of the magazine.
Main image is linked to the largest text.
Set colour scheme of 2 or 3 colours.
Buzz words.
Out once a month.
Images, smaller than the main image.
2/3 different fonts, different to mast head.
Mast head.
Over lay with the image if the magazine is well known.
Tag lines.
cover lines.
No page numbers on the front cover.
Contents-Content list set out in categories.
Image numbered where it is in the magazine.
Images of what is found in the magazine.
Set colours like the front cover.
Regular content.
Feature content.
Editors letter.
Small image of the front cover.
Issue date.
Issue number.
Different images inside the magazine than on the front cover.